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Data Quality Control

Page last modified on: 2024, November 04

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Qualtiy Control Expert Q&A


  • FP = false positive result
  • END = no solution, this problem is unsolvable


  1. high peak at low bp in the electropherogram (intensity mV per Size bp)
    • source: documentation (PDF)
    • possible reason(s): contamination e.g. adapter dimers (adapter+adapter, no DNA)
    • solution/measure: increase starting material / trim /exclude by size
  2. combine replicates from multiple batches without any replicates within each batch
    • source: conceptional
    • possible reason(s): it is not possible to distinguish between the biological and the technical variance -> bad design
    • solution/measure: END
  3. enrichment of wrong population (e.g. polyA-enrichment to compare to rRNAs)
    • source: conceptional
    • possible reason(s): it is not possible to distinguish between the biological and the technical variance -> bad design
    • solution/measure: exclude rRNAs


  1. low base call quality at 3’-end
    • source: fastqc, fastq input (sam/bam are missing Phred)
    • possible reason(s): general effect esp. for older data, could be hint for 3’-adapters
    • solution/measure: check trim again
  2. overall low base call quality
    • source: fastqc, fastq input (sam/bam are missing Phred)
    • possible reason(s): universally very good reads + wrong phred-type detection (FP)
    • solution/measure: check encoding detected by fastqc, could be a FP
  3. red spots in per tile sequence quality
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): damaged flow cell
    • solution/measure: exclude reads from these cells, buy new flow cell
  4. high per base sequence content
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): adapter sequence still present
    • solution/measure: trim adapters
  5. at the 5’ end high per base sequence content
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): TSS reads -> start of read = start of gene = bias distr. (FP)
    • solution/measure: -
  6. C is missing in high per base sequence content
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): sodium bisulphite treated = C->T (FP)
  7. overall high high per base sequence content
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): contamination e.g. adapter dimers
  8. 2/more peaks in per sequence GC content
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): multiple unrelated species present
    • solution/measure: remove contaminated species
  9. 2/more peaks in per sequence GC content
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): other contamination, e.g. adapter dimers
    • solution/measure: adapter dimers => trim
  10. high percentage of overrepresented sequences
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): contamination present in reads
    • solution/measure: blast most abudant reads, can be adapter sequences too
  11. high percentage of overrepresented sequences
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): overrepresented sequence present in data e.g. rRNAs (FP)
  12. high percentage of duplicated sequences
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): low complexity
    • solution/measure: little starting material / heavy PCR
  13. high percentage of duplicated sequences
    • source: fastqc, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): constrained library (only reads starting at TSS) (FP)
    • solution/measure: You can use random barcoding to distigush between biol. and tech. replicates if needed


  1. no reads are trimmed although adapters are present
    • source: trim-galore, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): hard coded adapter sequences, …
    • solution/measure: adjust parameters
  2. trimmed reads although no adapters are present
    • source: trim-galore, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): false positive result of TG
    • solution/measure: skip trim-galore


  1. high number of unmapped reads
    • source: Mapping tool / output, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): wrong target genome/transcriptome
    • solution/measure: -
  2. high number of unmapped reads
    • source: Mapping tool / output, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): adapter sequence still present
    • solution/measure: go back to trimming


  1. different conditions correlate very good
    • source: correlation matrix, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): low potential for DEGs present
    • solution/measure: END
  2. within replicate correlation is bad
    • source: correlation matrix, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): e.g. contamination with HVG like rRNAs
    • solution/measure: if only a small sub-population is confounding -> remove
  3. replicates do not cluster
    • source: PCA, Illumina input
    • possible reason(s): e.g. biol. and tech. replicates are mixed up
    • solution/measure: END-RESTART
  4. replicates do not cluster
    • source: PCA, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): negative control study (FP)
  5. two experiment of 2 conditions (ctrl, KO) cluster in the wrong area
    • source: PCA, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): misslabeling
    • solution/measure: check design matrix, documentation, …
  6. no clear separation between conditions (ctrl, KO)
    • source: PCA, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): e.g. biol. and tech. replicates are mixed up
    • solution/measure: END-RESTART


  1. dispersion-plot: gene estimation does not follow red fit
    • source: DESeq2, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): model does not represent data
    • solution/measure: Deseq is not applicable
  2. dispersion-plot: high fit dispersion for high mean count
    • source: DESeq2, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): low number of replication + high variability
    • solution/measure: careful with reported DEGs
  3. almost all genes are DE
    • source: DESeq2, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): e.g. biol. and tech. replicates are mixed up
    • solution/measure: END-RESTART
  4. almost no gene is DE
    • source: DESeq2, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): negative control study (FP)


  1. using CPM to visualize DEGs
    • source: Plot, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): mixed up within- and between-sample normalization
    • solution/measure: use correct normalization
  2. use raw Ratios to visualize DEGs effect size
    • source: Plot, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): humans are bad with ratios (0.01 = almost 0 and 100 is just large but not the largest bar ever)
    • solution/measure: use any log transformation (e.g. log10: 0.01 => -2, 100 => +2)

Single cell

Quality check

  1. peak at left/right side in gene or reads per cell histogram or log10-cummulative-number of reads per cell id
    • source: BD rhapsody pipeline, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): left=cell fragments, right=multiplets present
    • solution/measure: remove with cut-offs
  2. inflated UMI counts
    • source: BD rhapsody pipeline, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): using raw UMI counts
    • solution/measure: use DBEC/RSEC UMI counts

Dim. reduction

  1. poor PCA/UMAP/tSNE embedding
    • source: Dim. reduction embedding, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): using e.g. only one assay of count data for embedding
    • solution/measure: for multimodal data use a WNN approach (combining both assays)
  2. poor PCA/UMAP/tSNE embedding
    • source: Dim. reduction embedding, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): use raw data for tSNE/UMAP
    • solution/measure: use a significant portion of PC from the PCA as input for tSNE/UMAP
  3. “The first two principle components were used to perform a tSNE”
    • source: Dim. reduction embedding, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): use only 2 PC from the PCA for the tSNE/UMAP projection
    • solution/measure: use a significant portion of PC from the PCA as input for tSNE/UMAP

Find subpopulations

  1. cluster form based for a specific batch index
    • source: Dim. reduction embedding + clustering, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): batch effect
    • solution/measure: correct for batch effect (e.g. integrate using seurat)


  1. many DEGs
    • source: seurat/deseq, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): DEG between very small sub-populations
    • solution/measure: use a population size cutoff or state the number
  2. some genes look like dates (1-Mar,…)
    • source: seurat/deseq, negative control study
    • possible reason(s): some genes can be interpreted as dates when using excel for data handling
    • solution/measure: never ever use excel or at least make sure that cell type is not “AUTO”
